The 5-Move Shoulder Workout for Complete Deltstruction

The 5-Move Shoulder Workout for Complete Deltstruction

By: CJ Wagner, NASM-CPT

All you need is a barbell and a dumbbell for this 5-move, 340-rep strength-building workout. Power through this tough workout to build upper body muscle size, strength, and stability.

COUPLET 1: Total Reps: 80

Complete these two exercises for 4 rounds, performing 10 reps per move. Use a slow and controlled movement for a 3-5 count during both the concentric and eccentric phase and pause at the top and bottom of each rep for a 1 count. Start with a barbell and pick a weight that you can complete 10 reps of in the strict overhead press exercise and stick with that weight.


1A. Barbell Overhead Press
How to Do It: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Keep your core engaged and back straight. Start with the bar in front resting on your chest. With the slow tempo,  push the weight up above your head with elbows locked out for 1 second and slowly lower the bar back to your chest.

1B. Barbell Bent Over Row
How to Do It: Once finished with the presses, stick your hips back and bend your knees, while keeping your back straight and having your upper body parallel with the ground. Start with your arms straight and squeeze your shoulder blades, then, while keeping elbows in pull the bar up to the bottom of your chest and hold it there for 1 second and slowly lower the weight back down until your arms are straight.

COUPLET 2: Total Reps: 160

Grab 2 dumbbells: one heavy and the other half the weight. Complete four rounds of this couplet, doing 10 reps on each side of the body.

1A. Table Top DB Rows
Start with the heavier weight in your right hand. Place your left hand and knee on the bench have your back straight and left foot about a foot away from the bench. Start by squeezing your shoulder blades and keep your elbow in until the weight reaches your chest and lower the weight back down completely under control until your arm is straight. Repeat with the left hand.

2B. DB High Pulls (this can also be done with a kettlebell)
Start with your feet shoulder width apart, have your weight in one hand, squat down while keeping back straight until your weight touches the floor. Come up from the squat and bring your elbow up to about as high as your ear, along with the weight going to the height of your chest. 

BURNOUT: Total Reps: 100

The Z Press

The Z Press

he Z Press
Male 45lb bar
Female 20lb bar
How to Do It: Sit down with your legs straight out in front of you with your back straight. Just like the overhead press, press the weight up above your head for 100 reps, rest as needed.



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